Unika child development psychologist Atmajaya, Priscilla Fabiola Msi defining memory or memory is the ability to recall previous experiences that can then be used again in the next situation or called (merecall). If you are not able to 'call' again, meaning can not remember well. Concentration is the ability to pay attention or focus on one thing. Child's ability to concentrate varies according to age. Child's attention span in receiving information through any activity is also different. Attention span of preschool children are affected by many factors that can not be ascertained. Parents need to be clever in presenting the material. At this age, tell customized content with motor development. In addition, the material was also delivered in a way that caught his eye color for example with the game, so the optimal concentration of the child. Involve your child in any given material. The ability to concentrate is also dependent on environmental factors that nurture the right, the right way of learning and providing a stimulus. Stimulation should be done interactively because children are more easily remembered things he had ever experienced, or a unique event. Parents have to work as told by using expressions. In addition, children learn to appreciate how, for example by observing the learning schedules according to the optimal level of attention span. Because every child has time different. Notice also how the delivery of material if the child prefers auditory, kinetesis, or visual. Which must be observed in memory to maintain a normal child in the sense that impaired attention in the provision of rewards and encouragement. Another way to make the repetition of material delivery, but in creative ways. For example, not only through verbal as well as music can, next to the display of symbols, this will give the impression to the child. To measure the memory and concentration ability of children, can use a standardized IQ test Wechsler approach that can be done at the age of 4 years. Typical for children under the memory standard is usually seen from the beginning that is more active than the children of others, have a short attention span, never listen to the complete information and the task is often not as expected. There are two things that cause it to happen, the first associated with neurological disorders, both of permissive parenting that is receiving what kids do. Parenting tips that parents should be noted, too much pressure on children a.Jangan b.Mengenali learn how and when children c.Sebisa study may provide much of the interference television, toys or noise. Factors that influence the resilience of memory, among others, a.Keunikan an event. active b.Partisipasi of children. c.Peran parents in talking about past events. d.Pada toddlers, will remember if you do own and will help strengthen the recurring memories. Fabiola explained, extending the concentration can build self-esteem of children. Slain was the child easy ebih and able to accept and understand a lot of information that can be used to understand the norms around, and causal relationships that are important in social interaction. According to the remedial therapist from the clinic Akita, Sulistyorini Ganis, S, Pd, intensity of concentration such as children under 3 years old always wanted to know, so often do not focus on just one event. Parents can cultivate concentration ranges for children observe the time it takes the child while working on a puzzle, if the child is not quickly switch your concentration on other activities. Take advantage of the high curiosity of children, by introducing a variety of activities although still short-range concentration. Point, in addition to enriching the knowledge, as well as maintaining the child's concentration. As much as possible the creative parents provide various activities for children are not bored. Continue to evaluate the concentration span of children. "Not necessarily a child who has a concentration span of time that is not in line with expectations said the development of children with ADHD, could also be due to lack of exercise or stimulation," said Ganis. The characteristics of children low concentration range, for school age children are usually difficult to focus on an activity that should be on time (30-45 minutes) or difficult to focus on the less preferred activity. Before school, parents should begin to train children to concentrate begin by giving a simple task until the task difficulty level higher. Play activities can also train the child for example, when the concentration of kicking a ball, ask the child for tending to the straight and focus led to the goal. Also, choose activities that interest children, such as playing playstation then slowly switch to another game until the targeted parent activities such as reading or writing. The goal children are able to follow the instructions of a method and able to do so with precision and speed. Train children to be able to concentrate in a situation different, starting from learning while the company, taught himself to studying the concentration with friends. "So when children go to school are able to follow the wishes of the school environment, for example, teachers are able to follow the explanation," he said. GymBrain Brain Gym is a number of simple movements that can balance all parts of the brain. It is expected that through a series of body movements, can draw out the child's concentration. "Brain Gym is open 'way out' to parts of the brain is blocked ', in order to function optimally," said Lely Tobing, Indonesia Brain Gym members. Technically able to develop a brain gym brain of 3-dimensional lateritas dimension to the left hemisphere and right, focusing dimension to the back of the brain in the front of the brain, and the dimensions of concentration to balance the front and rear position (limbis system) and a big brain. Maharani Retti Psi, Principal Twinkle Star that included Brain Gym as a curriculum to add capabilities related to the concentration of child-dimensional focus. Focal brain barrier between the front and rear can cause the child to be less attention, trouble concentrating and less able to understand. Necessary so that movements can optimize the brain works. To activate this brain-dimensional movement through a series of other cross movement (cross crawl) is moving pair of feet and hands to balance the good against the left and right brain are related to the ability to spell, write, listen, read and understand. Before performing a series of Brain Gym movements are encouraged children to drink water first because it is the energy carrier electricity. "Let the child do this move freely and willingly, but that parents also need to practice it with children," said Lely. House YogaInstruktur of Yoga Yoga, Klara Schoenfeld said, Yoga can balance the child's eyes focus and concentration while training the body movement. Yoga movements in children are not like adults, but more dynamic and vibrant music accompanied by cheerful. Yoga training concentrated kids follow the movements exhibited. You can take the child to practice yoga for 15-20 minutes each week. Source: Inspire Magazine Kids
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